
  • Data Migration in Salesforce

    “Data migration is the process of selecting, preparing, extracting, and transforming data and permanently transferring it from one computer storage system to another”  Most migrations take place through five major stages: Extraction: remove data from the current system to begin working on it. Transformation: match data to its new forms, ensure that metadata reflects the data…

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  • Schedule apex class to run every 1 hour

    It’s very usual to fall in such a requirement to execute apex scheduled job every 1 hour. The dirtiest way to schedule it 24 times at a specific time. But there is another very efficient way to run it each clock hour and can be achieved by just running it once using power of cron…

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  • How Salesforce Generates Love, Support and Respect Apart From Great Sales And Revenue!!

    As we know Salesforce is synonym of success in the world of cloud technology and CRM platforms. A great platform that puts smile on everyone’s face – organization, customer, vendor, contractor and developers. It creates a unique ecosystem of diversified stakeholders with common goals of achieving great success! But does it only generate sales and…

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