
  • Things to Remember while Deployment

    Goal is to list out all deployment chaos (issue, reasons and resolution) till now we have faced and follow it religiously. Deployment Experience Profile Deployment Causes to deploy system permissions from Sandbox – may cause issue in production. Verify system permissions, if matches then deploy. We faced issues in CK, we deployed profile – profile…

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  • How to get IP Address of Community User – Guest and Logged in Customer User

    DESCRIPTION Tracing IP address of community is utmost requirement to achieve different goals like geo based technical support, spam protection and other security things. There are bunch of forum discussions related to this: APPROACHES In order to solve this, simple approach is to get the IP address and store in any custom…

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  • Salesforce Platform Encryption and Classical Encryption – Depuzzling

    To take your security measures further, Salesforce Shield provides a more robust suite of solutions. Shield includes three products: Platform Encryption, Event Monitoring, and Field Audit Trail. Here our focus on Shield Platform Encryption, which provides a higher-level encryption (256-bit instead of 128-bit) than the classic offering. Platform Encryption is very different than classical encryption…

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