
  • Transform Your APEX Development With Template Components

    Craft Your HTML Component You have the option to utilize platforms like for this purpose if you require a custom design, or it’s also an excellent resource for finding boilerplate code that you can customize to fit your needs. Here’s an example I crafted for our card design: You’ll observe the incorporation of APEX…

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  • APEX Execution Chain Procedure

    Preceding Execution Chains On an APEX application page, I’ve established a straightforward procedure to mimic a possibly longer-running process by utilizing sys.dbms_session.sleep. This procedure doesn’t employ the new Execution Chain; rather, it’s a standard Execute Code process type designed to execute the specified PL/SQL code. The duration of the sleep is determined by the user,…

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  • When To Use AJAX Callbacks Vs. When To Use Dynamic Actions

    I assume you are familiar with Dynamic Actions. If not, please read this. I also assume you have a basic understanding of AJAX Callbacks, even if you’re not well-versed in the details. Both Dynamic Actions and AJAX Callbacks allow developers to call PL/SQL from JavaScript, a highly powerful capability. Technically, an APEX Callback can only…

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