
  • What’s The Process For Modifying Custom Picklist Field Values With The Metadata API?

    Users can manually add, delete, or update the values of a custom picklist field. However, there are instances where updating and adding these values programmatically becomes necessary. This is where the metadata API proves invaluable. For a deeper understanding of the metadata API, you can refer to resources on Metadata, Custom Metadata Types, and Metadata…

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  • Navigating Campaigns In Salesforce – An Overview

    What is Campaign Management The campaign is often overlooked in the array of tools available in Salesforce. It acts as a sort of organizational container for related marketing goals. By utilizing a Campaign record, you can efficiently bring together marketing resources and prospective clients, aiding in planning and progress evaluation. Marketers use campaigns to monitor…

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  • Enhance Your Apex Code Unit | Adopt Salesforce Best Practices

    In this blog post, we will explore Apex best practices. Apex code is employed for crafting custom business logic, and as with any programming language, adhering to syntax and best practices is crucial for creating clean and efficient code. Today, we’ll delve into the best practices specific to Salesforce Apex. Let’s explore the reasons behind…

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