
  • Creating Triggers Using TriggerFactory In Salesforce Apex is covered In The Developer Guide.

    The structure of triggers in Apex is quite clever. We all recognize their necessity and the best practice of separating logic from triggers for various reasons (discussed below). We’re also aware of the challenges in unit testing code directly within triggers. Recently, I had to establish a trigger structure for a new client. Given my…

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  • Query Territories Assigned to Account or Lead in Salesforce

    Introduction Sometimes it may beed needed to query Territories assigned to Lead or Account. Solution Field Name Details AssociationCause Possible values are:Territory2AssignmentRule—Territory assignment rule associationTerritory2Manual—Manual association ObjectId Lookup Refers ToAccount or Lead SobjectType Account or Lead Territory2Id Territory Id

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  • Salesforce: Performing Bulk Updates From List View Using JavaScript

    Previously, we talked about updating Salesforce using JavaScript from a button in a page layout. More recently, we encountered an issue regarding how to replicate this process for multiple records to perform a mass update from a list view. One option for mass updating records from a list view is through Inline Editing. You can…

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