Maximum SOQL offset allowed is 2000 for Pagination

Salesforce Help Article There is a help article suggested by Salesforce: However, there are some good ways to use this. PK Chunking – the one we used to use Bulk API For example, let’s say you enable PK chunking for the following query on an Account table with 10,000,000 records. SELECT Name FROM Account …

Maximum SOQL offset allowed is 2000 for Pagination Read More »

How to get IP Address of Community User – Guest and Logged in Customer User

DESCRIPTION Tracing IP address of community is utmost requirement to achieve different goals like geo based technical support, spam protection and other security things. There are bunch of forum discussions related to this: APPROACHES In order to solve this, simple approach is to get the IP address and store in any custom …

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Box Authentication – Getting Access token Using JWT OAuth2.0 in Salesforce

This articles explains how can we authenticate in using JWT OAuth 2.0. Here is the API details in Box API documentation: Box – Prerequisites Salesforce – Prerequisites Apex Code A). In following implementation, we are not using standard JWT and JWS because it throws error “Signature verification error. The public key identified by …

Box Authentication – Getting Access token Using JWT OAuth2.0 in Salesforce Read More »

Execution of Trigger and Workflow – A practical Analysis

Target Record: A Case record with Status =”New” in Database. There is trigger which updates the value of Status =”Working” in before update event. There is workflow too which updates to Status to “Escalated”. So, we are going to analyze how system behaves in these scenarios: Lets play as below: P.S: In all events, old …

Execution of Trigger and Workflow – A practical Analysis Read More »

Why Before Trigger should not have DML for other objects

if you update or delete a record in its before trigger, or delete a record in its after trigger, you will receive a runtime error. This includes both direct and indirect operations. For example, if you update account A, and the before update trigger of account A inserts contact B, and the after insert trigger of contact B queries for account A and …

Why Before Trigger should not have DML for other objects Read More »

Differences Between Apex Classes and Java Classes

Inner classes and interfaces can only be declared one level deep inside an outer class. Static methods and variables can only be declared in a top-level class definition, not in an inner class. An inner class behaves like a static Java inner class, but doesn’t require the static keyword. An inner class can have instance member variables …

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Case New Page in community: Detect Replay – Spam Protection using Google captcha

It’s very easy to find out endpoint and payload that create Case when you click “Submit” (or any button that create Case) – After that a CURL request can be made and thousands of Cases can be created in a few minutes. There is no out of the box way in Salesforce but we can prevent …

Case New Page in community: Detect Replay – Spam Protection using Google captcha Read More »

What a Salesforce Developer can Learn Other than Salesforce Platform

“Above given technologies are top 8 technologies of 2019. Personally, I would like to learn following of these technologies to boost my career in Salesforce.” AI or Bot: It’s really useful in context with Salesforce platform and extensible and applicable to Salesforce. Knowledge of this can make you different than other Developers. Javascript: It can …

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