Best Practices and Considerations for Lightning Web Components (LWC).

Hello again! This blog post takes a unique approach as it will continuously receive updates with the latest findings.

I will be sharing best practices and considerations related to LWC, drawing from both Salesforce guidelines and personal experiences.

Let’s begin with the topic of FOR LOOPS.


JavaScript ES6 introduces a distinct type of FOR LOOP. (click hereTo delve into the details, ensure that in LWC, you employ a method that does not clash with the LWC architecture.

For instance, if you intend to utilize forEach,



Accessing THIS.VARIABLE within this loop will not be possible. Here’s an illustration:

    console.log(this.someBooleanval); //THIS VALUE WILL BE NULL

This occurs because this type of loop also utilizes THIS. It searches for the value within a loop where the variable is not assigned, resulting in NULL.

So, what’s the solution? Opt for a different type of FOR LOOP, such as:

for(let acc of this.lstAccounts){
   console.log(this.someBooleanval); //VALUE WILL BE ACCESSIBLE HERE

2-Handling Time Fields

The value you receive is in milliseconds, such as “65700000”. It needs to be converted to a time format in JavaScript. I employed the following method to accomplish this.

// Convert milliseconds into 'h:mm a' time format
        let ms = s % 1000;
        s = (s - ms) / 1000;
        let secs = s % 60;
        s = (s - secs) / 60;
        let mins = s % 60;
        let hrs = (s - mins) / 60;
        hrs = hrs < 10 ? '0' + hrs : hrs;
        mins = mins < 10 ? '0' + mins : mins;
        console.log(hrs + '  ' + mins);
        return hrs+':' + mins + ':00.000Z';

3- Binding setInterval

var count = 0;
var intervalID = setInterval(function (){
  console.log(this.count);     // prints number from 0 to percentage
  if (this.count === this.percentage) {
console.log(this.count);       // prints 0 

The second console prints ‘0’, illustrating the lack of context maintenance. To address this, we bind the context to each anonymous function call.

Simply employ:

.bind(this) // 'this' is the context

Therefore, the JavaScript transforms into:

import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
export default class App extends LightningElement {
  @track count = 0;
  @track percentage = 99;
  connectedCallback() {
    var intervalID = setInterval(function (){
      if (this.count === this.percentage) {

I trust this will prove helpful to you at some point. I’ll continue to update this post with the latest information.