
  • How to find inline links/images in Salesforce knowledge using apex

    We often get requirement to move articles/Knowledge from any platform to Salesforce but somehow we miss inline links to update. This script is just a quick way to find such affected articles: String artIds = ”;for(Knowledge__kav k : [SELECT ArticleBody__c FROM Knowledge__kav WHERE Language=’en_US’ AND PublishStatus=’Draft’]){    if(k.Answer__c!= null && k.ArticleBody__c.containsIgnoreCase(‘’)){        //system.debug(k.Id); …

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  • Push notification in Lightning Service Console

    There is a very powerful feature in classic console that whenever any changes happens at any record by other users, you can know it in list view and case detail page as well: But unfortunately, Salesforce does not provide this feature in lightning service console yet — a real pain for support agent. Here is an idea…

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  • Custom Fiscal Week (Monday to Sunday) in Wave Analytics (Salesforce Einstein Analytics)   q = load “GR_Opportunities”; q = foreach q generate ‘CloseDate_day_epoch’ as ‘CloseDate_day_epoch’, ‘CloseDate_sec_epoch’ as ‘CloseDate_sec_epoch’, ‘Id’ as ‘Id’, ‘StageName’ as ‘StageName’,  daysBetween(toDate(“24-06-1985”, “dd-MM-yyyy”), toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch)) % 7 as ‘datediff’; q= foreach q generate (case when datediff == 6 then (case when daysBetween(now(), toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch))>=-6 and daysBetween(now(), toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch))<=0 then “CurrentWeek” else “OtherWeek” end) when datediff ==…

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