
  • Static Apex Code Check Review and Analysis- No Need of Checkmarx

    In order to develop any app in Salesforce for AppExchange, we must need to follow the security guideline to pass the security review. Security Profile The scanner will help to detect the following security vulnerability types: Cross Site Scripting (reflected, stored, and DOM based) SOQL/SOSL Injection Access Control Issues (Sharing, FLS) Cross site request forgery…

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  • Are you building lightning app with Locker Services!!!

    If you are building a Lightning App/Community by custom components then you must ensure that your components are gonna work after Summer ’17 release. Because Salesforce is going to activate LockerServices in all organization that will enforce your code to follow some guideline and practices @ My team is working on same, we are safeguarding…

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  • Salesforce: Opportunity clone for each Opportunity Contact Role along with Opportunity Products

    Currently, the cloning of an opportunity does not clone the contact roles associated with the opportunity. Usually, organization create a number of opportunities with identical or similar contact roles. We often create “template opportunities” which contain the common re-usable data which saves us a lot of time re-keying information for similar opportunities. The addition of…

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