
  • Way to fetch Custom Buttons on various objects in Salesforce?

    Custom button can be queried using Tooling API as below: Salesforce Object Definition:

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  • Reuse inbound change set to create an outbound change set – with clicks only

    We’re just working on a Project in Dev sandbox which includes near about 300 components. We just deployed into a full sandbox and completed UAT. Now, we need to deploy the same changeset to Production. Unfortunately, we need to create again changeset and need to add 300 components….which is terrific. There is no standard way…

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  • Prepare a package XML to retrieve all Report using Apex and Workbench

    Prepare a package.xml file and download it Run below code in Execute Anonymous Window using Developer Console. It will send package.xml file in your email. Don’t forget to update your email address in below code. Retrieve Reports using Package.xml Now, you login in org using workbench and retrieve all Reports using above received package.xml. We…

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