RecordType Utility Apex Class

I prefer organizing Apex methods according to the specific objects they relate to. This practice aids in code troubleshooting and, in the long run, minimizes the overall code volume within a Salesforce organization. As an illustration, developers operating in Enterprise-level or larger organizations frequently encounter the need to retrieve record types for a particular object. …

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Encryption And Decryption Using The Crypto Class

Ensuring platform security is crucial. Whether you’re developing a composite application for the AppExchange, creating integrations with open authentication (OAuth), or simply connecting Salesforce with an internal system/platform, it can raise concerns for your security team. However, the Salesforce Crypto class is designed to alleviate these concerns. We incorporate Salesforce encryption/decryption logic regularly in many …

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Tailored REST API Endpoint For Salesforce

Many third-party applications offer their own APIs or webhooks, facilitating seamless and often simplified integrations across platforms. Another integration approach may involve using middleware or an enterprise service bus (ESB) to facilitate data movement. Regardless, the Salesforce REST API can handle standard CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete), or you can develop custom Apex …

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Processes That Occur Asynchronously On The Salesforce Platform.

I frequently advise basing Salesforce development decisions on platform capabilities, even if some features have not yet been embraced by your business. Keeping this in mind, I want to introduce the idea of running certain processes in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. In a previous discussion, I highlighted a situation where Salesforce allowed Community Users …

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Executing Batch Apex Classes in Sequence

According to the Apex developer documentation, there are various ways to chain together Apex processes. In this post, I will elucidate two distinct methods for chaining multiple batchable interfaces. Let’s contemplate the process flow scenario outlined below: The processes enclosed within the yellow outline above represent a singular batchable interface. Here, we make the ultimate …

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Test Coverage For PDF Attachment

Over the years, I’ve received several emails specifically inquiring about test coverage for the PDF logic demo. Today, I finally have some time to document it. There isn’t much to emphasize here. However, I do value it when readers pose questions. Feel free to continue sending them my way.

Salesforce Apex Queueable Interface Implementation

The Salesforce Apex Queueable Interface enables the asynchronous execution of Apex jobs, offering similarities to @Future annotated Apex classes. However, the distinctive feature of a queueable interface is its ability to be monitored through the Salesforce user interface or by querying the AsyncApexJob table. The utility of a queueable interface becomes apparent when initiating an …

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Cancel Apex Email Service

Apex email services. The short story here is that you can send email to your Salesforce Org which is then processed by some Apex logic in order to support the specific needs of your business. One of our clients uses an Apex email service to automate Case creation for customer support issues. We have another …

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