How to add Apex Class Access to permission set programmatically
In case if you are looking further, how to assign such permission sets to users automatically, here is answer:
In case if you are looking further, how to assign such permission sets to users automatically, here is answer:
ERROR DESCRIPTION WORKAROUND Follow us on LinkedIn: Click here
Introduction Query on external object is supported with some limitation. Here is Salesforce help article: Sample Query SELECT Id, Name__c, OrderNumber__c FROM ExternalOrder__x WHERE Name__c LIKE ‘%Software%’ Additional Notes
REQUIREMENT We need to setup partner community so that multiple users belongs to same account can see each other’s Tasks. In other way, if partner user has access to parent related record then he must be able to access the related Tasks whether he is owner of Task or not. By default, user who owns …
How can we share Task with Partner user in Salesforce Read More »
Question How do I customise the columns that appear in the Add Products popup which appears if you click the Add Products button on the Products related list on the Opportunities record page? What you’ve tried so far but it does not work: You might have tried below solution, but it won’t work actually. SOLUTION Follow given steps :
DESCRIPTION If you have enabled Contact Support page in community but when guest user tries to access it throws error or redirect to login experience. CHECKLIST There are following things we need to verify in order to make it working.
Sometimes we get a requirement in which we need to create OrderItem programmatically and we need to research a lot to know the required fields of Order Item.
Case Milestone is created automatically if Entitlement is associated while creating the Case.But it does not get completed until you do it manually or any automation does.We are gonna learn in how many ways we can automate this. Using Flow Using Apex Trigger Using Trigger Create an Apex trigger that automatically marks milestones Completed on …
Auto-Complete Case Milestones using Flow and Trigger Read More »
If you are using Salesforce Community and you have network Id of the community but I don’t know how to get Base URL of the community. Here is a way to get the community base URL using its id in apex: Usage: Id communityId = Network.getNetworkId(); getCommunityURL(communityId);