How can we know State and Country Picklist is enabled in the Salesforce org or not using Apex code
When you enable that feature SFDC creates a countryCode field for each object where the address exists. Then you could check if that field exist using something like this:
Other generic option:
* * check if an Sobject has a field */ public static boolean hasSObjectField(String fieldName, SObject so){ String s = JSON.serialize(so); // Deserialize it back into a key/value map Map<String, Object> obj = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(s); // Build a set containing the fields present on our SObject Set<String> fieldsPresent = obj.keyset().clone(); return fieldsPresent.contains(fieldName); } Account a = new Account(name='Test'); System.debug(hasSObjectField('BillingCountryCode', a));