Implementation restriction: ContentDocumentLink requires a filter by a single Id on ContentDocumentId or LinkedEntityId using the equals operator or multiple Id’s using the IN operator.


This error may take place while querying ContentDocumentLink and filtering it with IN operator. Sometimes, it shows a weird behaviour and throw below error:

“Implementation restriction: ContentDocumentLink requires a filter by a single Id on ContentDocumentId or LinkedEntityId using the equals operator or multiple Id’s using the IN operator.”

Possible Reasons

  • Check Set/List is not empty
List<ContentDocumentLink> links = [SELECT ContentDocumentID, LinkedEntity.type, LinkedEntityId 
                                    FROM ContentDocumentLink 
                                    WHERE ContentDocumentID IN: newSet];

Add check as below:

List<ContentDocumentLink> links = [SELECT ContentDocumentID, LinkedEntity.type, LinkedEntityId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE ContentDocumentID IN: newSet];
  • Create a simple variable and use as filter:
List<ContentDocumentLink> links = [SELECT ContentDocumentID, LinkedEntity.type, LinkedEntityId 
                                    FROM ContentDocumentLink 
                                    WHERE ContentDocumentID =: Obj.DocId];

Change as below:

String documentId = Obj.DocId;
List<ContentDocumentLink> links = [SELECT ContentDocumentID, LinkedEntity.type, LinkedEntityId 
                                    FROM ContentDocumentLink 
                                    WHERE ContentDocumentID =: documentId];
  • As last step, use direct set/list instead using map.keyset:
List<ContentDocumentLink> links = [SELECT ContentDocumentID, LinkedEntity.type, LinkedEntityId 
                                    FROM ContentDocumentLink 
                                    WHERE ContentDocumentID =: docmap.keySet()];

Change as below:

Set<String> docIds = docmap.keySet();
List<ContentDocumentLink> links = [SELECT ContentDocumentID, LinkedEntity.type, LinkedEntityId 
                                    FROM ContentDocumentLink 
                                    WHERE ContentDocumentID =: docIds];


Feel free to reach out in case of any help needed.