This is a frequently encountered scenario in which you want to display a straightforward checkbox for accepting terms and conditions, accompanied by a URL link to your terms of service or privacy policy
However, when using lightning:input or lightning-input, it’s not permissible to include HTML tags within the LABEL attribute.
Here are the solutions for Aura and LWC
<aura:attribute name="chkTerms" type="Boolean"/> <div> <input type="checkbox" id="terms" name="terms" value="{!v.chkTerms}" onchange="{!c.termsChanged}" ></input> <label for="terms"> Yes, by creating an account I agree to the <a href="#">Terms and Service.</a></label> </div>
termsChanged : function(cmp, event, helper){ cmp.set("v.chkTerms", document.getElementById("terms").checked ); //console.log(event.getSource().get("v.checked")); // the above didn't work except for `ui:input` or `lightning:input` console.log(cmp.get("v.chkTerms") ); }
<div class="slds-p-around_medium lgc-bg"> <input type="checkbox" id="terms" name="authorize" onchange={handleCheckBoxChange} required="required"></input> <label for="terms" style="display: inline;" class="slds-form-element__label"> Yes, by creating an account I agree to the <a href="#">Terms and Service.</label> </div>
handleCheckBoxChange(event){ console.log('Authorized::'; // Your Logic }