Check if current user is Admin in Salesforce


In Salesforce, you can check if the current user is an admin by checking their profile or permissions. The easiest way to do this is by checking if the user has the “Modify All Data” permission, which is a standard permission given to system administrators.

Here’s how you can check if the current user is an admin in Apex:

Apex Sample Code

public class UserAccessController {

    // Check if the user has "Modify All Data" permission via profile or permission sets
    public static Boolean isCurrentUserAdmin() {
        String userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        // Check if the user’s profile has "Modify All Data" permission
        Boolean isAdminProfile = [SELECT Profile.PermissionsModifyAllData 
                                  FROM User 
                                  WHERE Id = :userId].Profile.PermissionsModifyAllData;

        // Check if the user has any permission set that grants "Modify All Data"
        Boolean isAdminViaPermissionSet = [
            SELECT PermissionsModifyAllData 
            FROM PermissionSetAssignment 
            WHERE AssigneeId = :userId
            AND PermissionSet.PermissionsModifyAllData = true
            LIMIT 1
        ] != null;
        return isAdminProfile || isAdminViaPermissionSet;