
  • Set Up And Manage Packages In A Scratch Org Using Salesforce DX.

    Numerous useful SFDX commands exist to automate Salesforce deployment. However, a crucial aspect of Salesforce DX is the ability to set up an org within minutes, complete with features like Person Account and Communities enabled. At times, these commands may not suffice. I recently encountered such a situation where I needed to install and manage…

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  • Some Useful Apex Pointers I’ve Learned Along The Journey

    Salesforce’s server-side language is known as Apex. It is a strongly typed, object-oriented language that bears resemblance to Java according to many developers. Apex is tightly integrated with the Salesforce database, other Salesforce objects, and its frontend counterpart, Lightning.As an additional point, having worked with loosely typed languages throughout my career, learning Apex presented a…

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  • Develop A Class For Encryption Utilities.

    Story from the User’s Perspective We aim to encrypt our data using an AES encryption key without having to spend money on the Salesforce Data Masking package. As an illustration, we are presenting at Forcelandia on March 23th and 24th, 2024, and intend to obscure certain phone numbers in our API project development organization. Resolution…

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