Salesforce CRM Vs Microsoft Dynamics

What CRM is used has a significant impact on a business’ success rate. CRM, which stands for “Customer Relationship Management,” is what sorts, analyses, and sets priorities for all business activities. It also knows what customers want, gets more customers, increases output, and lowers the number of customers who leave. Of all the CRM software, two are very famous. Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics have long argued. They have so many beautiful traits that it’s hard to tell them apart. Thus, we spent time identifying their similarities and contrasts.

What is Microsoft Dynamics?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 software, tools, and programs help businesses survive. CRM and ERP are two of its functions. You can increase customer experiences and engagement while monitoring and planning your company’s resource utilisation with one tool.

What is Salesforce?

The customer relationship management (CRM) app Salesforce is all about customer service; it works to make ties with customers better. On the other hand, Dynamics has tools for many different business tasks. Salesforce’s Sales Cloud bills, collects, and processes payments to improve customer experience. Now, to attain proficiency in Salesforce and become career-ready, you should consider enrolling yourself in MindMAjix’s Salesforce Training.

A Complete Comparison between Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics

Why not look at the past of these CRM projects instead of going over them again? Even though each is a leader in their area. The company that made Microsoft Dynamics is also one of the most important in the world. Silicon Valley is where Salesforce is from.

Dynamics and Salesforce are both good, so they have no difference. Your business can use both programmes to do many things, like keep track of sales, sort leads, handle customer cases, and more. Here are some things that make these two apps different from each other.

1. Based on the design

The heart of Salesforce is the Salesforce Sales Cloud, which is different from Dynamics 365. Businesses can use this web-based tool to learn how to grow through different platforms. Salesforce has both a sales cloud and a service cloud. The service cloud helps with case management, machine learning, and automation with the marketing cloud apps.

Dynamics, on the other hand, is quite different. Over the past few years, Microsoft has been changing how it does business and how it does things to make its management tools better. These tools have gone from being simple CRMs to having ERP features. 

2. Based on the platform

Microsoft Dynamics is not a platform, but Salesforce was made from the ground up to be a cloud CRM tool (Salesforce vs. Microsoft Dynamics). This helps if you want to use software that works on phones and websites and store your files on a computer far away. If you want to run the software on your computers, this will help.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is more flexible than Salesforce CRM in terms of speed and customisation. This lets you do sales and customer service on a platform that is completely in the cloud. There are also on-premises versions of some choices, like Operations and Finance.

3. Set up on unification and flexibility

Salesforce outperforms Microsoft Dynamics. The Salesforce AppExchange has 2,600 marketing cloud-compatible apps. Salesforce’s answer mostly concerns unification or integration because it covers things like unification, CRM development, acing CRM implementation, optimisation, and more. It works with other platforms and has a partner programme to help businesses and in-house coders.

When looking at Microsoft vs. Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics is also becoming more popular because it has put a lot of money into building app partnerships and buying on Salesforce’s list. You can also connect to Microsoft Power BI and PowerApps with Microsoft CRM. With this software, teams can use this information to turn their common data and links into custom apps.

When comparing Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics, it’s important to note that Microsoft Dynamics has a bit more integrated integration and associations, making it a bit better overall. However, the first one is always the best for businesses that want a wide range of apps and software.

4. Based on the Facts

Because of its update in 2015, Microsoft Dynamics has come a long way in automating jobs. It is well known that robots and AI work together to make the sales team’s job a lot easier. They know everything, like when to email and check social media. Microsoft is ahead in the battle between Microsoft and Salesforce since it bought LinkedIn and improved its social features.

Still, some things about Dynamics were worse than those about Salesforce. Some are tools for managing partners, sales success, and data management.

5. AI and automation

Automation and AI are two things that make Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics different from other CRM tools. Both of these pieces of software can build or buy AI tools that can help improve sales and customer service.

Dynamics differs from Salesforce because Microsoft’s AI tools are built into the sales and service parts. It shows how to understand normal English and guess what will sell well. People will notice that more Microsoft tools now have AI because these tools make business apps faster for many groups.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 pros and cons


  • Centralization of data 
  • User interface that looks like all Microsoft products, so people who use their tools will find it easy to use
  • Works with the Microsoft Office Suite
  • Modular 
  • Built-in compatibility with current goods


  • Adding modules can make Dynamics very pricey; 
  • People who aren’t used to Microsoft UI may have trouble at first; 4
  • Modularity and scalability cost more; 
  • It takes time to learn the system.

Salesforce’s pros and cons

  • Compatible with all browsers, so users can choose the one they like best; Designed to manage customer relationships
  • Featuring a modern and easy-to-use user interface (UI)
  • A mature and user-friendly marketing and e-commerce platform
  • Helps you manage your time better, makes account planning easier, and makes teamwork better
  • Salesforce is too complicated for small businesses
  • Salesforce is pricey (all rates are per user)
  • Salesforce software is hard to learn
  • Scalability lets you build solutions that are too big for the needs
  • Not as many connections in Salesforce

Why CRM Software Important?

A big goal for many companies is to provide better customer service. More companies are using AI and ML (artificial intelligence and machine learning) to make doing business with other companies and with other companies better. In the end, the fight will be a lot tougher. People who have the best products and services are the only ones who can compete in their market and business. 

Many businesses close between one and five years after they first open. A lot of other businesses shut down after ten years. People who make it through this need to keep growing, which takes cash and new users. Many small and new businesses need help getting customer relationship management software because it’s pricey.

CRM is a useful tool for businesses that have been operating for ten years. They have extra cash to spend on growth and different CRM tools. If people don’t like a store that sells the same thing, they will go to another one that does. As a buyer shops, they want to return, which is what CRM is for.

CRM Choice: Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce?

You can’t pick a favourite CRM. Each tool is the best at what it does, and both are useful for businesses. You can have a good user interface, grow the platform, and build a unique solution to your needs.

If you compare how much Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics cost, Microsoft Dynamics costs more for basic use. And if you want to spend more, using both will cost about the same in the end, based on how individualised you want to make things. When it comes to how easy it is to use and how much you can change it, Salesforce is the best. When it comes to reporting, Dynamics is the best. It would be better to set it up on-site if you picked Microsoft Dynamics over Salesforce. Microsoft Dynamics is better than Salesforce because it is in the cloud.

After making this choice, the best way to move forward is to consider what your business needs and what methods are already in place. Then, consider what changes would be best for your employees and ensure they happen.


Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 dominate CRM for a reason. Both are well-designed and function with hundreds or thousands of apps. Businesses that are bigger and have been around longer should use Microsoft Dynamics 365 instead, especially ones that already use the Microsoft Office suite. If your company has never used CRM software before, all of the above CRMs will require some time to get used to.