Users can manually add, delete, or update the values of a custom picklist field. However, there are instances where updating and adding these values programmatically becomes necessary. This is where the metadata API proves invaluable. For a deeper understanding of the metadata API, you can refer to resources on Metadata, Custom Metadata Types, and Metadata API.
To update the values of a custom picklist field, two classes are needed:
- MetadataService.cls: While this class is available online, modifications specific to this scenario have been made within it.
- Another class is required for updating the values of a custom picklist field, which we refer to as updatingCustomPicklistValues. This class is designed for a custom picklist field on any object; in this case, we’ve chosen the Opportunity object with a custom picklist field named Picklist_check.
Modifying Custom Picklist Field Values
public class UpdatingCustomPicklistValues { // Method to update the values of custom picklist field public static void updatePicklistValues() { MetadataService.MetadataPort service = new MetadataService.MetadataPort(); service.SessionHeader = new MetadataService.SessionHeader_element(); service.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId(); MetadataService.ValueSet picklistValueSet = new MetadataService.ValueSet(); MetadataService.ValueSetValuesDefinition valueDefinition = new MetadataService.ValueSetValuesDefinition(); List<MetadataService.ExtendedCustomValue> values = new List<MetadataService.ExtendedCustomValue>(); // Fetching the values already available in the custom picklist field and storing them in the list List<Schema.PicklistEntry> picklistValues = Opportunity.Picklist_check__c.getDescribe().getPicklistValues(); // Adding the already available values for(Schema.PicklistEntry picklistValue : picklistValues) { MetadataService.ExtendedCustomValue customValue1 = new MetadataService.ExtendedCustomValue(); customValue1.fullname = (string)picklistValue.getValue(); customValue1.default_x = false; customValue1.isActive = true; customValue1.label = picklistValue.getLabel(); values.add(customValue1); } //Adding the extra value, we want to add MetadataService.ExtendedCustomValue customValue2 = new MetadataService.ExtendedCustomValue(); customValue2.fullname = ‘1’; customValue2.default_x = false; customValue2.isActive = true; customValue2.label = ‘1’; values.add(customValue2); valueDefinition.value = values; valueDefinition.sorted = true; picklistValueSet.valueSetDefinition = valueDefinition; MetadataService.CustomField customField = new MetadataService.CustomField(); customField.fullName = ' Opportunity.Picklist_check__c '; customField.label = ' Picklist_check '; customField.type_x = 'Picklist'; customField.required = false; customField.unique = false; customField.valueSet = picklistValueSet; MetadataService.CustomField[] customFields = new List<MetadataService.CustomField> { customField }; service.upsertMetadata(customFields); } // Method to save the work done public static void handleSaveResults(MetadataService.SaveResult saveResult) { if(saveResult==null || saveResult.success) return; // Construct error message and throw an exception if(saveResult.errors!=null) { List<String> messages = new List<String>(); messages.add( (saveResult.errors.size()==1 ? 'Error ' : 'Errors ') + 'occured processing component ' + saveResult.fullName + '.'); for(MetadataService.Error error : saveResult.errors) messages.add( error.message + ' (' + error.statusCode + ').' + ( error.fields!=null && error.fields.size()>0 ? ' Fields ' + String.join(error.fields, ',') + '.' : '' ) ); if(messages.size()>0) throw new MetadataServiceExamplesException(String.join(messages, ' ')); } if (!saveResult.success) throw new MetadataServiceExamplesException('Request failed with no specified error.'); } //Method to create an instance of MetadataService.MetadataPort public static MetadataService.MetadataPort createService() { MetadataService.MetadataPort service = new MetadataService.MetadataPort(); service.SessionHeader = new MetadataService.SessionHeader_element(); service.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId(); return service; } public class MetadataServiceExamplesException extends Exception { } }
Next, within the Developer Console, save both classes. Afterward, navigate to Debug and then select Open Execute Anonymous Window. Copy and paste the provided code into the anonymous window.
And there you have it, it’s completed!