
  • Generate A JIRA Issue In Salesforce Apex Using JIRA Integration.

    A Jira issue refers to a specific task, defect, or piece of work within a Jira project. Users or teams create Jira issues to document bug fixes, new features, enhancements, or tasks. These issues are typically generated within the Jira project itself. This guide will provide detailed instructions on integrating Jira into Salesforce Apex and…

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  • Integrating Websockets With PusherJS In Salesforce For Real-Time Messaging

    The Scenario Organizations are striving to engage with clients through modern communication channels such as social media, text messaging, and mobile calling. To deliver a real-time chat/texting experience, the application must establish instant communication between the client (browser) and server. Initially, the application used a polling mechanism, which significantly increased server loads to retrieve real-time…

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  • Utilizing Leaflet For Displaying Maps Within Your LWC Components

    When capturing geolocation data during the creation of new leads or utilizing services like GeoIP to identify user locations, incorporating Leaflet into your LWC components allows you to visually display the locations of your customers to your users. This functionality is beneficial because it eliminates the need for users to manually search Google for specific…

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