Custom Adapter for Salesforce Connect on Stack Overflow

This example illustrates how to support external lookup relationships and multiple tables. An external lookup relationship links a child standard, custom, or external object to a parent external object. Each table can become an external object in the Salesforce org.

For this example to work, create a custom field on the Contact standard object. Name the custom field “github_username” and select the External ID and Unique attributes.

Class for StackOverflowDataSourceConnection

 *   Defines the connection to Stack Exchange API v2.2 to support
 *   querying of Stack Overflow users (stackoverflowUser)
 *   and posts (stackoverflowPost).
 *   Extends the DataSource.Connection class to enable
 *   Salesforce to sync the external system’s schema
 *   and to handle queries of the external data.
global class StackOverflowDataSourceConnection extends
        DataSource.Connection {
    private DataSource.ConnectionParams connectionInfo;

     *   Constructor for StackOverflowDataSourceConnection
    global StackOverflowDataSourceConnection(
            DataSource.ConnectionParams connectionInfo) {
        this.connectionInfo = connectionInfo;

     *   Defines the schema for the external system. 
     *   Called when the administrator clicks “Validate and Sync”
     *   in the user interface for the external data source.
    override global List<DataSource.Table> sync() {
        List<DataSource.Table> tables =
                new List<DataSource.Table>();

        // Defines columns for the table of Stack OverFlow posts
        List<DataSource.Column> postColumns =
          new List<DataSource.Column>();

        // Defines the external lookup field.
          'owner_id', 'stackoverflowUser__x'));
        postColumns.add(DataSource.Column.text('title', 255));
        postColumns.add(DataSource.Column.text('view_count', 255));


        // Defines columns for the table of Stack OverFlow users
        List<DataSource.Column> userColumns =
          new List<DataSource.Column>();
        userColumns.add(DataSource.Column.text('user_id', 255));
        userColumns.add(DataSource.Column.text('display_name', 255));

                'Display_name', userColumns));

        return tables;

     *   Called to query and get results from the external
     *   system for SOQL queries, list views, and detail pages
     *   for an external object that’s associated with the
     *   external data source.
     *   The QueryContext argument represents the query to run
     *   against a table in the external system.
     *   Returns a list of rows as the query results.
    override global DataSource.TableResult query(
            DataSource.QueryContext context) {
        DataSource.Filter filter = context.tableSelection.filter;
        String url;

        // Sets the URL to query Stack Overflow posts
        if (context.tableSelection.tableSelected
.equals('stackoverflowPost')) {
            if (filter != null) {
                String thisColumnName = filter.columnName;
                if (thisColumnName != null &&
                    url = ''
                            + 'questions/' + filter.columnValue
                            + '?order=desc&sort=activity'
                            + '&site=stackoverflow';
                        url = ''
                                + 'questions'
                                + '?order=desc&sort=activity'
                                + '&site=stackoverflow';
            } else {
                url = ''
                        + 'questions'
                        + '?order=desc&sort=activity'
                        + '&site=stackoverflow';
        // Sets the URL to query Stack Overflow users
        } else if (context.tableSelection.tableSelected
.equals('stackoverflowUser')) {
            if (filter != null) {
                String thisColumnName = filter.columnName;
                if (thisColumnName != null &&
                    url = ''
                            + 'users/' + filter.columnValue
                            + '?order=desc&sort=reputation'
                            + '&site=stackoverflow';
                    url = ''
                            + 'users' + 
            } else {
                url = ''
                        + 'users' + '?order=desc&sort=reputation'
                        + '&site=stackoverflow';

         * Filters, sorts, and applies limit and offset clauses.
        List<Map<String, Object>> rows =
                DataSource.QueryUtils.process(context, getData(url));
        return DataSource.TableResult.get(true, null,
                context.tableSelection.tableSelected, rows);

     *   Helper method to parse the data.
     *   The url argument is the URL of the external system.
     *   Returns a list of rows from the external system.
    public List<Map<String, Object>> getData(String url) {
        String response = getResponse(url);

        List<Map<String, Object>> rows =
                new List<Map<String, Object>>();

        Map<String, Object> responseBodyMap = (Map<String, Object>)

         *   Checks errors.
        Map<String, Object> error =
                (Map<String, Object>)responseBodyMap.get('error');
        if (error!=null) {
            List<Object> errorsList =
            Map<String, Object> errors =
                    (Map<String, Object>)errorsList[0];
            String errorMessage = (String)errors.get('message');
            throw new 

        List<Object> fileItems=
        if (fileItems != null) {
            for (Integer i=0; i < fileItems.size(); i++) {
                Map<String, Object> item =
                        (Map<String, Object>)fileItems[i];
        } else {

        return rows;

     *   Helper method to populate the External ID and Display
     *   URL fields on external object records based on the 'id'
     *   value that’s sent by the external system.
     *   The Map<String, Object> item parameter maps to the data
     *   that represents a row.
     *   Returns an updated map with the External ID and
     *   Display URL values.
    public Map<String, Object> createRow(
            Map<String, Object> item) {
        Map<String, Object> row = new Map<String, Object>();
        for ( String key : item.keySet() ) {
            if (key.equals('question_id') || key.equals('user_id')) {
                row.put('ExternalId', item.get(key));
            } else if (key.equals('link')) {
                row.put('DisplayUrl', item.get(key));
            } else if (key.equals('owner')) {
                Map<String, Object> ownerMap =
                (Map<String, Object>)item.get(key);
                row.put('owner_id', ownerMap.get('user_id'));

            row.put(key, item.get(key));
        return row;

     *   Helper method to make the HTTP GET call.
     *   The url argument is the URL of the external system.
     *   Returns the response from the external system.
    public String getResponse(String url) {
        // Perform callouts for production (non-test) results.
        Http httpProtocol = new Http();
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        HttpResponse response = httpProtocol.send(request);
        return response.getBody();

Class for providing StackOverflow post data sources.

 *   Extends the DataSource.Provider base class to create a
 *   custom adapter for Salesforce Connect. The class informs
 *   Salesforce of the functional and authentication
 *   capabilities that are supported by or required to connect
 *   to an external system.
global class StackOverflowPostDataSourceProvider
        extends DataSource.Provider {

     *   For simplicity, this example declares that the external 
     *   system doesn’t require authentication by returning
     *   AuthenticationCapability.ANONYMOUS as the sole entry 
     *   in the list of authentication capabilities.
    override global List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability>
    getAuthenticationCapabilities() {
        List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability> capabilities =
                new List<DataSource.AuthenticationCapability>();
        return capabilities;

     *   Declares the functional capabilities that the
     *   external system supports, in this case
     *   only SOQL queries.
    override global List<DataSource.Capability>
    getCapabilities() {
        List<DataSource.Capability> capabilities =
                new List<DataSource.Capability>();
        return capabilities;

     *   Declares the associated DataSource.Connection class.
    override global DataSource.Connection getConnection(
            DataSource.ConnectionParams connectionParams) {
        return new 