We’re just working on a Project in Dev sandbox which includes near about 300 components. We just deployed into a full sandbox and completed UAT. Now, we need to deploy the same changeset to Production. Unfortunately, we need to create again changeset and need to add 300 components….which is terrific.
There is no standard way to do this. Previously I logged an Idea for the same: https://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=0873A000000E5EcQAK.
I just came with a workaround:
We are now using workbench , changeset name and package.xml file for the same as explained below:
1. First we create outbound changeset in dev sandbox and then login in workbench via same sandbox login. Then Retrieve the changeset as zip file:
2. It will return a ZIP file. Now login in target second sandbox (Full sandbox) and login workbench via this sandbox. Now deploy the changeset as shown below:

3. ZIP file extracted in first step, will return package.xml file. This package.xml file can be used to deploy the changes to Production
This works well if you want to straight up deploy the same change set across multiple orgs. What this method doesn’t do is create an outbound change set, for instance, lets say I want to add additional components in the destination org to an inbound change set. Is my understanding correct?
Yes, you are right. In that case, you can add your component directly in your package.xml if needed.