Utilize Apex for knowledge article management

Generate a fresh article. Release a draft article. Withdraw a published article. Arrange the archival of a published article. Please note that if the scheduledDate provided is null, the article will be archived immediately. Revoke the scheduled archival of a published article: Remove an article from the archive: Erase a draft article: Generate a draft …

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You do not have permission to perform this action on this record or related records. Contact your Salesforce administrator for assistance error while changing owner

INTRODUCTION A user with full access to a Customer or Partner account, either by sharing or account ownership, receives the following error when trying to change ownership to a user with a different role: “You don’t have permission to take that action on this record or related records.” SOLUTION This would indicate that the running …

You do not have permission to perform this action on this record or related records. Contact your Salesforce administrator for assistance error while changing owner Read More »

Setting From Address in Single Email Message in Salesforce

In Salesforce, you can set the “From” address in a SingleEmailMessage by using the setOrgWideEmailAddressId method. Here’s an example of how you can set the “From” address: Make sure to replace [OrgWideEmailAddressId] with the actual Organization-Wide Email Address ID that you want to use as the “From” address. The Organization-Wide Email Address must be previously …

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