Creating Scratch Orgs Using Visual Studio Code (Salesforce DX)

Scratch orgs are source-driven, transient environments that are entirely customizable. These orgs represent disposable deployments of Salesforce code and metadata. They can be configured fully, enabling developers to mimic various Salesforce editions, complete with diverse features and preferences. Sharing the scratch org configuration file among team members ensures a consistent development environment for everyone involved. …

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A Developer’s Perspective on Quality Assurance

Tricentis initially introduced Testim, formerly named Testim, in 2014 with the aim of enabling effortless creation of automated tests for anyone. During that period, Selenium reigned supreme, and the existence of tools aiding developers in test automation (such as Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright) was akin to science fiction. The beginning In the beginning, Testim’s primary …

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An Efficient And Rapid Method To Invoke Batch Apex in Salesforce

Collaborating within Salesforce’s shared environment often leads developers to encounter challenges such as SOQL limits, timeouts, and callout sequencing, causing frustration. How can one effectively execute extensive, intricate tasks on the cloud platform without concerns about timeouts or exceeding limits? Batch Apex comes to the rescue for executing these substantial jobs. This article delves into …

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Comparing Object Types in Apex

At some stage, every developer will require verifying whether a generic SObject corresponds to a specific concrete SObject type. This scenario commonly arises when inspecting the owner of a custom object or the and of objects containing polymorphic keys like Task. Developers might consider using the Apex instanceof keyword for this verification. However, …

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Simplified Approach To Apex Test Code Coverage

In, Apex developers need to ensure the existence of 75% test code before deploying their code to a production environment. This requirement serves as a valuable measure ensuring that your code remains self-sufficient over time. Moreover, it automatically identifies any potential code-breaking changes within your orgs in the future. requires Apex coders to …

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Parameter Passing In Apex: By Reference Vs. By Value

We’re updating the Apex documentation regarding the concept of “pass by reference.” Here’s an in-depth explanation of the reasons behind this modification. We’re updating the Apex documentation regarding the concept of “pass by reference.” Here’s a comprehensive explanation detailing the rationale behind this modification. The current Apex documentation suggests that non-primitive variables are passed by …

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Batch Apex on And Handling Large Data Volumes

Discover methods to prevent timeouts in the SOQL queries used to select records for processing. Achieving this objective maximizes the potential of the batch Apex framework, specifically tailored for handling substantial data volumes. Salesforce developers, have you encountered this scenario? Working with extensive data volumes, you’ve opted for batch Apex due to Salesforce’s multi-tenant architecture …

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Quickly Identify Issues Using the Apex Log Analyzer

The Apex debug logs encompass a vast array of data, including database operations, system processes, code execution within managed packages, transactional errors, as well as initiated flows and process builders. The Apex debug logs provide extensive information, encompassing database operations, system processes, code execution within managed packages, transactional errors, initiated flows, and process builders. This …

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