Add Salesforce Lightning Design System in Visualforce Page
I know it’s a pretty old thread, but still would like to add: Example:
I know it’s a pretty old thread, but still would like to add: Example:
1. If a child record (like a Contact or Opportunity) is deleted and the parent record is subsequently deleted (Like the Account), the child record is permanently deleted. Even if the parent record is undeleted, the child record cannot be recovered, but if the child record is undeleted first this won’t happen. 2. When …
Variations of Deletion behaviour in Salesforce and Rollback option Read More »
We often get requirement to move articles/Knowledge from any platform to Salesforce but somehow we miss inline links to update. This script is just a quick way to find such affected articles: String artIds = ”;for(Knowledge__kav k : [SELECT ArticleBody__c FROM Knowledge__kav WHERE Language=’en_US’ AND PublishStatus=’Draft’]){ if(k.Answer__c!= null && k.ArticleBody__c.containsIgnoreCase(‘’)){ //system.debug(k.Id); …
How to find inline links/images in Salesforce knowledge using apex Read More »
There is a very powerful feature in classic console that whenever any changes happens at any record by other users, you can know it in list view and case detail page as well: But unfortunately, Salesforce does not provide this feature in lightning service console yet — a real pain for support agent. Here is an idea … q = load “GR_Opportunities”; q = foreach q generate ‘CloseDate_day_epoch’ as ‘CloseDate_day_epoch’, ‘CloseDate_sec_epoch’ as ‘CloseDate_sec_epoch’, ‘Id’ as ‘Id’, ‘StageName’ as ‘StageName’, daysBetween(toDate(“24-06-1985”, “dd-MM-yyyy”), toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch)) % 7 as ‘datediff’; q= foreach q generate (case when datediff == 6 then (case when daysBetween(now(), toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch))>=-6 and daysBetween(now(), toDate(CloseDate_sec_epoch))<=0 then “CurrentWeek” else “OtherWeek” end) when datediff == …
Custom Fiscal Week (Monday to Sunday) in Wave Analytics (Salesforce Einstein Analytics) Read More »
Default Sort Order of sObjects The List.sort method sorts sObjects in ascending order and compares sObjects using an ordered sequence of steps that specify the labels or fields used. The comparison starts with the first step in the sequence and ends when two sObjects are sorted using specified labels or fields. The following is the comparison sequence …
var userId = $A.get(“$SObjectType.CurrentUser.Id”);
Sometimes we get such a scenario, we may need to create CaseMilestones– especially when you are doing data migration from Salesforce-to-Salesforce; but Salesforce does not allow to create CaseMilestone through custom means. But we can follow the below steps to insert it in new org same as we have in current org (assuming that you …
Description How to pass URL parameters to set filter values in Lightning Experience reports. When linking to reports or when bookmarking a report, add filter value parameters to the URL to customize how the report filters when opened. For example, bookmark your opportunities report and add a filter value parameter to specify whether you see New …
Filter Reports via URL Parameters in Lightning Experience Read More »
Requirement: a SAQL query to find the number of WEEKDAYS between two dates. Specifically, can use this SAQL query in a Compute Expression SAQL Expression: Here dataset name is “cases”. Start date is Created Date of a Case record and End Date is ClosedDate of Case. Algorithm is copied from here: