Error “Guest users are not permitted to perform this operation” while creating chatter post in flow

PROBLEM DEFINITION This error takes place when flow runs in the context of a Guest User – like Record is being created from public site or public webhook etc. SOLUTION This happens because Guest User is not allowed to create chatter post i.e. Feed Post. There are possible below approaches: 1) Using Platform Event : Guest user …

Error “Guest users are not permitted to perform this operation” while creating chatter post in flow Read More »

Comprehensive Guide to Apex Programming – Everything You Need to Know

Apex Programming Unveiling the Power of Salesforce Development Apex serves as the object oriented programming language utilized by the Salesforce platform, empowering developers to execute transactions and control statements on Salesforce-associated servers. With a syntax closely resembling Java, Apex provides a familiar programming framework for Salesforce development. Notable Aspects of Apex Programming Key Characteristics of …

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How to get IP Address of Community User – Guest and Logged in Customer User

DESCRIPTION Tracing IP address of community is utmost requirement to achieve different goals like geo based technical support, spam protection and other security things. There are bunch of forum discussions related to this: APPROACHES In order to solve this, simple approach is to get the IP address and store in any custom …

How to get IP Address of Community User – Guest and Logged in Customer User Read More »

Case New Page in community: Detect Replay – Spam Protection using Google captcha

It’s very easy to find out endpoint and payload that create Case when you click “Submit” (or any button that create Case) – After that a CURL request can be made and thousands of Cases can be created in a few minutes. There is no out of the box way in Salesforce but we can prevent …

Case New Page in community: Detect Replay – Spam Protection using Google captcha Read More »

Custom Domain Masking of Salesforce Communities

Description Implementing a custom domain for your community creates brand recognition and gives you additional control and functionality. We’ll go through how you can get your custom domain implemented. Prerequisites & Assumptions Steps to setup the masking Prepare Host-name for CNAME configuration from Salesforce:  Get Salesforce 18 digits organization id. You can get that easily …

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