Comprehensive Guide to Apex Programming – Everything You Need to Know

Apex Programming Unveiling the Power of Salesforce Development Apex serves as the object oriented programming language utilized by the Salesforce platform, empowering developers to execute transactions and control statements on Salesforce-associated servers. With a syntax closely resembling Java, Apex provides a familiar programming framework for Salesforce development. Notable Aspects of Apex Programming Key Characteristics of …

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Modal created using the Lightning OverlayLibrary

Starting from Salesforce Spring ’18, the lightning:overlayLibrary tag was introduced to display messages using modals and popovers. This component requires API version 41.0 or later and is not supported in lightning applications. It is only supported in Salesforce Lightning Experience, Console, and Communities. In the following example, the components used are: Component – Sample JavaScript …

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Utilize Apex for knowledge article management

Generate a fresh article. Release a draft article. Withdraw a published article. Arrange the archival of a published article. Please note that if the scheduledDate provided is null, the article will be archived immediately. Revoke the scheduled archival of a published article: Remove an article from the archive: Erase a draft article: Generate a draft …

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You do not have permission to perform this action on this record or related records. Contact your Salesforce administrator for assistance error while changing owner

INTRODUCTION A user with full access to a Customer or Partner account, either by sharing or account ownership, receives the following error when trying to change ownership to a user with a different role: “You don’t have permission to take that action on this record or related records.” SOLUTION This would indicate that the running …

You do not have permission to perform this action on this record or related records. Contact your Salesforce administrator for assistance error while changing owner Read More »

Setting From Address in Single Email Message in Salesforce

In Salesforce, you can set the “From” address in a SingleEmailMessage by using the setOrgWideEmailAddressId method. Here’s an example of how you can set the “From” address: Make sure to replace [OrgWideEmailAddressId] with the actual Organization-Wide Email Address ID that you want to use as the “From” address. The Organization-Wide Email Address must be previously …

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