Why Case Milestones get disappeared from Related List?


Sometime, we setup an entitlement process with milestones (no-reoccurrence type) & entitlement, and assigned the entitlement to a case.

The process may work as expected, but sometimes you may some kind of issues like once a milestone is complete it disappears from the Case Milestones related list.


  • It might be possible that, the existing milestone is not completed (which is disappearing) and one new milestone is getting created before closing the earlier milestone. May be the milestones are getting created based on case status changes, then this scenario may occur.
  • Ideally, we should place the flow to mark the milestone complete by assigning the “Completion Date” as current time.

  • It might be possible that, one existing milestone is running and Case is getting closed without closing the milestone. In this scenario also, the milestone will be vanished from CaseMilestones related list.
  • Same workaround, update the milestone with completed = true and completion datetime and then close the case.